Rt/A Spiker
This is Just for giggles and Poops Really, but suprisingly Effective:
11+4 Spawning
12 Dagger
6 Shadow
Sprits Strength
Shroud Of Distress (cover Ench)
Shadow Refuge
Golden Phoenix
Horns of the Ox
Falling Spider
Blades Of Steel
Vital Weapon
Aproximate Spike damage, lets say an average of 20 Damage a Dagger strike
6 Dagger Strikes=120 Damage
6 Trips of Elite= 186 Damage
Unconditional= 207 Damage
=513 Damage, And Poison
Its Giggles and Poops Really, but in TA, with a Few Mods ( And a Second Ritualist, Communing+Channeling , Channeling to help Spike, Communing to throw Guided Weapon on the Spiker), this shines